Neelima Guntupalli


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"The best way to learn anything is to do the thing"

I am currently pursing MS degree in ML/AI at Liverpool John Moores University and working as a part-time Intern at B-STEM with a focus on ML/AI.

NLP Projects

Machine Learning Projects

Micro Projects


A bird’s eye view of some of the projects I have worked upon in my datascience journey. I update this from time to time as I continue working on some cool projects in my free time.

NLP Projects

Fake Reviews Detection

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Order the most popular item from a website and it turns out to be a cheap replica , happened to us all hasn't it? This project uses transfer learning techniques to identify fake reviews on a e-commerce website.

Machine Learning Projects

Appstore reviews segregation to extract actionable insights

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For this project I have scraped appstore reviews of DoorDash app to extract valuable insights for app developers and owners. Through topic modelling it identifies reviews into different groups through which we can identify reviews wehre app users complain about glitches after app updates. .

Housing Price Prediction

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Lets make some money on real estate using machine learning :smiley: . This project estimates the prices if houses using existing data through which a real estate company can determine whether to invest in a property and flip it for profits.

Telecom Churn Case Study

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One of the biggest problem telecom industry tackles, CHURN !! . This project implements PCA for feature reduction , handles class imbalance problem, builds ensemble models and fine-tunes hyperparameters.

Micro Projects

Website Traffic Analysis

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This project analyzes clicks from a website that hosts songs. Through data analysis I answer the following questions
  1. What is the CTR (Click through rate), clicks per pageviews.
  2. What are the countries that have highest views and clicks.
  3. Is there any correlation between clicks and views.